Our policy is to address solely adult smokers, aged 21 and above.


Sayri proposes the act of “conscious smoking“.


Our family of natural tobacco strands without additives has been purposely developed for the smoker who wants to know what he or she is smoking and, for the same reason, we offer them this high quality product.


To facilitate the rolling, our natural tobacco has been cut into thin and long strands, which make cigarette rolling a much easier task.


We do not add to Sayri any of the common additives like aromas, preservers and humectants, nor tobacco residues or puffed tobaccos.


Industrial standard rolling tobaccos are manufactured and delivered with a humidity content of 16-18%. This humidity value represents a risk that the product gets moldy, which is normally prevented by the use of preservers. As we do not put additives into our tobacco as, for example, humectants or preservers, the humidity of our tobacco must not exceed 15%. You may find Sayri tobacco slightly drier than other brands.


Tobacco is very sensitive to environmental temperature and humidity, and that is why it is necessary to provide the appropriate care and attention so as it does not get too dry or moldy.


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Tips for keeping your tobacco

Tips for cigarette rolling